The last announcement on the EMB Fund Limited (the “Fund”) for Subscribers to the Fund was made two months ago on 12th February 2024, to which you are referred, together with previous announcements on the Fund’s website.

The purpose of this announcement with regards to the FCA claim against Argento Wealth Limited (AWL),    is to inform Subscribers to the Fund that the FCA issued a Press Release dated 4th April 2024, see - - which Subscribers should find is self-explanatory.

Subscribers to the Fund should note that whilst the FCA may have reached a settlement with AWL and its Director Mr. Willis , the Fund’s legal rights to recover monies loaned to AWL in good faith are not affected.  

The Fund can only communicate with Subscribers whose names appear on the Fund’s Share Register, and regrettably, the suspension of the Fund’s NAV must continue.

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